*In a radio voice*
Last night I had a dream about a muffler; I woke up exhausted
Gooooood morning and welcome to Christmas Eve Eve you’re waking up with KFUR in your ears. And as we get rockin an rollin on this Monday the forecast is saying there is some fog out there. So be careful folks. I didn’t see it but did see a decent accident so be safe. That fog gonna freeze on everything. Thought should be gone from the area by 2, wherever it is now. But we’ve got a few things to cover. First up, today is Festivus. And if you don’t know that, we can’t be friends. It also is National Christmas Movie Marathon Day so settle on in. Then obviously over the next couple days we’ve got the big holiday, but we’ve also got… National Eggnog Day on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday we’ve got A’phabet Day, aka, No “L” Day. Get it. like Noel. But that’s it, we’re off the next couple days. But try not miss us too hard, we’ll be back. As for today, we’ve got some classics ahead so stick around on your #1 station for something, KFUR.